Friday, March 19, 2010

Go Graham Go

I just found a terrific contest on Go Graham Go to win a New Product called THE DINNER SOLUTION. Boy, do I need this in my life. Eating out has become a habit or quick cook microwave meals, since I can't stand or sit for long periods of time. That's not good for my health or my husbands. With THE DINNER SOLUTION all the planning is done for me and even my shopping list (for hubby) is printed out. This makes it easy to match up coupons too. On good days, it even helps me plan ahead and stock the freezer with ready made meals. I am excited about this software and would love to win it. So, head on over to Grammy Janet's Place (Go Graham Go) and enter to win.

And Today was Thursday

Many people do not know about Lupus or Fibromyalgia and all the things that go along with it, but I have been suffering with both for many years. Until 3 years ago, I worked full time, but after suffering through Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and going downhill from there I had to stop and realize that I couldn't do it any longer. I hated it. I need to be busy, but these illnesses, put the brakes on my my life at forty-nine. This isn't the way it was supposed to be. I am a wife, mother, grandmother and I always wanted to be the best at all of that that I could be. Now I am having to be creative and find new ways to do the things I want. Most days find me in bed and this laptop has become my lifeline. There are so many things I can do on here. So much good, I can do. My life is not over. It is just beginning in a new way.